Short Bio

Hello, I’m Paul Baksic

After finishing my master degree and engineering diploma in medical robotics, I wanted .

My working experience made me acquire multidisciplinary skills (soft and hard).

Personal information

Full Name
Paul Baksic
03 October 1995
Strasbourg, France


French native
English fluent

Technical Skills


Theorical skills

Robotics and control
Numerical simulation
Computer vision

Other skills

  • Team work
  • Project management
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Quick learner
  • Teaching
  • Scientific writing
  • Public speaking

Work experience

07/2023 - Today

Research Engineer


Software development engineer at the Simulation Open Framework Architecture consortium (SOFA). Missions includes DevOps, C++ development, researcher assistance…

09/2022 - 07/2023

Research Engineer


Development of an experimental setup in the field of robotic needle insertion. Implementation of vision, control, and simulation algorithms.

06/2022 - 09/2022

Research Engineer

Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg (France)

Worked on maintaining research team’s code in the field of numerical simulation. It consisted in maintaining old code and merging it into newly developed framework.

10/2018 - 06/2022

Ph.D. Student

Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg (France)

Worked as a Ph.D. student in the ICube lab inside the RDH team. Lead my research project on robotic assistance to interventional radiology. Through this job I gained skills in research, writing, programming (C++), supervising and communicating.

10/2019 - 06/2021

Graduate Teaching Assistants

Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg (France)

Supervised practical work in continuous and discrete control theory and in numerical optimization to master students

02/2018 - 07/2018

Research Engineer Intern

IRCAD, Strasbourg (France)

Worked as a research engineer in the field of computer vision. Adapted calibration methods into the firm framework, tested automatic calibration method from the literature and developed an AR software using Orb-SLAM and optical flow for surgery.


2018 - 2022

Ph. D. – Medical robotics

Université de Strasbourg - Strasbourg, (France)

Simulation-based robotic control for interventional radiology assistance.

2016 - 2018

M.S. – Robotics, Imaging & Computer Science

Université de Strasbourg - Strasbourg, (France)

Passed with honour (15.2/20). Thesis work on Computer Vision.

2015 - 2018

Engineer degree – Robotics & Computer Science

Télécom Physique Strasbourg - Strasbourg, (France)

Passed with honour (15.15/20). Specialised in robotics and control theory.

2013 - 2015

Preparatory Class For The Grandes Ecoles

Lycée Kléber - Strasbourg, (France)

Equivalent to a Bachelor degree in Mathematics and Physics with an option in Computer Theory.



ICRA 2021 Workshop

Learning robotic needle steering from inverse finite element simulations

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ICRA 2021 Workshop

Research /

Learning robotic needle steering from inverse finite element simulations

Tissue motion compensation during robotic needle steering is a challenging research topic. While the deformable non-linear coupling between needle and tissue is captured by simulation-based control strategies, they increase significantly the computational cost of the control. In this work, we rely on machine learning methods to enable autonomous robotic needle steering with very low computation times. We propose to use an Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) to learn an inverse model which accounts for needle-tissue interaction. The ELM trains with synthetic data generated from multiple needle insertions controlled by inverse finite-element simulations.


Interactive Finite Element model of needle insertion and laceration

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Research /

Interactive Finite Element model of needle insertion and laceration

This paper introduces an interactive model of needle insertion, including the possibility to simulate lacerations of tissue around the needle. The method relies on complementary constraints to couple the Finite Element models of the needle and tissue. The cutting path is generated from mechanical criteria (i.e. cutting force) at arbitrary resolution, avoiding expensive remeshing of Finite Element meshes. Complex behavior can be simulated in real time such as friction along the shaft of the needle, puncture and cutting force resulting from interactions of the needle with the tissue

ICRA 2021

Shared control strategy for needle insertion

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ICRA 2021

Research /

Shared control strategy for needle insertion into deformable tissue using inverse Finite Element simulation

This paper deals with the problem of needle steering in deformable tissues subject to physiological motions. A novel shared control method is proposed, which combines an automatic needle steering algorithm with the motions applied by the radiologist, in order to place the needle tip at the desired location. The core motivation is to leave potentially dangerous decisions and actions to the practitioner, whereas complex nonintuitive manipulations of the needle are performed automatically, in particular to compensate for breathing motions. The most original part of the present work lies in the method used to combine user inputs with a closed-loop automatic needle steering control method based on inverse Finite Element simulations

ICRA 2020

Robotic needle insertion in moving soft tissues

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ICRA 2020

Research /

This paper introduces a method for robotic steering of a flexible needle inside moving and deformable tissues. The method relies on a set of objective functions allowing to automatically steer the needle along a predefined path. In order to follow the desired trajectory, an inverse problem linking the motion of the robot end effector with the objective functions is solved using a Finite Element simulation. The main contribution of the article is the new constraint-based formulation of the objective functions allowing to: 1) significantly reduce the computation time; 2) increase the accuracy and stability of the simulation-guided needle insertion.


  • The guitar
  • Photography
  • Beekeeping
  • Video games
  • Squash
  • Travel